Two new guests join in for the ladies explorations of the near back country, from Super Island Camp.
Mindy , Ellen, Colesie, Lainee , with Mindy and Colsie being the newbies.
One never knows what will turn up, or not, in the day. We head out in the morning with a plan to meet the rest of the group for lunch at Dent Island Lodge .
The sky is still a haze from the hundreds of distant forest fires , and the mountains are out of view, but the early sun is lovely in an eerie way.
We are cruising through Calm Channel when we come upon several humpback whales.
Humpbacks spend a lot of time under water , so we find that when we stop to watch , a couple more appear behind us, come nearer , and then pass by. A bit of good luck for the ladies, again.
Moving along we explore and fish the mouth of Bute Inlet on the east and then the west sides. Colesie manages to bring in a lovely salmon which will be the evening dinner , then Lainee adds a yellow-eye rockfish for variety. We don't target the yellow -eyes, often called red snapper, because the population is low, but an incidental catch like this is delicious.
Thanks for inviting me to join you for the yummie lunch and chat at Dent. The docks are full at this time of peak yachting season.
For the trip back , the flood tide was churning at a pretty fast rate and we looked for the eagles and sea lions . The eagles were few and just sitting in the trees, and the sea lions like-wise just glanced at us from their resting spots.
Thank you every one, of this special ladies group. I enjoyed your company. Thanks Liz for the extra pictures. And thank you all for your interest in this blog, and for your patience until I got a chance to catch up here.